Version Patch Notes

June 13, 2024

Patch Note Update

In our latest update, we have made several improvements and adjustments to the Rock Paper Scissors game to enhance the overall user experience and gameplay. These changes are designed to provide a more balanced and engaging experience for our players.

Patch Notes:

- Updated Rock Paper Scissors UI/UX.
- Updated battle INFO UI/UX.
- The first rebalances are already active.

Legendary Rune:
- 1S 15%
- 2S 20%
- 3S 30%
- 4S 35%
- 5S 40%
- 6S 45%
- 7S 50%
- 8S 55%
- 9S 60%
- 10S 70%

ATK Increase and Hardening Skill:
- The maximum of these skills reached after 7 rounds instead of 5 rounds.
- Also, we change the description from "X% increased Def/ATK each round" to "Increased defense after 7 rounds X percent."
- Each round the hero increases 1/7 of the complete amount of increased Def/ATK, based on the start Defence/Attack Stats at the beginning of the battle.
- Defense Increase: 3%, 4%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 10%, 11%, 12%, 14%
- Attack Increase: 3%, 4%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 10%, 11%, 12%, 14%

Def Decrease Skill Rebalance:
- Renamed to "Defense corrosion"
- 1S 25%
- 2S 30%
- 3S 32%
- 4S 34%
- 5S 36%
- 6S 38%
- 7S 40%
- 8S 43%
- 9S 46%
- 10S 65%

Hero Thief Skill mechanic change:
- Currently, you use the skill and get an on-hit buff with which you have to attack an enemy.
- Change this to a skill shot - poison the 2 cells in front of Thief instantly with activating the skill (like archer/fk and other heroes).

Hero Livia Skill change:
- Livia's buff also applies to herself with 2 additional movement steps.

Hero Ninja Movement Change:
- Increase movement range to 3 tiles.

All Rage and Toughness numbers X1.5
- Rage and toughness once activated should stay for the rest of the match "enraged."

Poison perk every Starlevel increased by 50
Weakening perk every Starlevel increased by 50

- 1 Star = 2%
- 2 Star = 3%
- 3 Star = 4%
- 4 Star = 5%
- 5 Star = 6%
- 6 Star = 7%
- 7 Star = 8%
- 8 Star = 9%
- 9 Star = 10%
- 10 Star = 15%